JaneAnne Murray

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Prof. Murray Interviewed on MPR Regarding Lawsuit Filed by Family of Police Shooting Victim, Justine Damond-Ruszcyk

Professor Murray was interviewed by MPR’s Matt Sepic regarding the civil lawsuit filed on July 23, 2018, by the family of Justine Damond-Ruszcyk, shot by Hennepin County police officer, Mohamed Noor, on July 17, 2018. Murray pointed out that the lawsuit could work to Noor’s benefit in two ways. First, the jury could view the civil lawsuit as an alternative mechanism to give redress to the victim’s family, allowing them to treat Noor more leniently in any verdict they deliver. Second, the lawsuit’s focus on police procedures, culture, and training could convince jurors that Noor is not as culpable as prosecutors allege. He has been charged with 3rd degree murder, which requires that the defendant acted with “depraved indifference,” a mental state equivalent to random shooting at a passing train.