JaneAnne Murray

Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Prof. Murray Elected to Board of National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

On October 31, 2017, Professor JaneAnne Murray was elected to the board of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the nation's premier nonprofit bar association of lawyers, both public and private, dedicated to criminal defense. The NACDL was founded in 1958 and has thousands of direct members and 40,000 members through affiliates. Dedicated to advancing the proper, efficient, and just administration of justice, each year NACDL files numerous briefs as amicus curiae in the United States Supreme Court and other federal and state courts, publishes reports on cutting edge criminal justice issues (police body cams, public defense funding, etc.), and runs dozens of highly-regarded CLE programs nationwide. Murray has been co-chair of its Sentencing Committee since 2012, was a member of the Steering Committee of the Clemency Project 2014 (formed by the NACDL with the ABA, FAMM, the Federal Defenders and the ACLU), and currently sits on NACDL's Trial Penalty Taskforce and on the Advisory Attorney Group of the NACDL/FAMM State Clemency Project.