Richard W. Painter

S. Walter Richey Professor of Corporate Law

Prof. Painter Quoted on Murdoch's News Corp. Investigation

Professor Richard Painter was quoted on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation of Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., in an article in Capital, a new on-line news publication in New York co-founded by former New York Observer editor Tom McGeveran. Painter questioned whether a FCPA prosecution in the U.S. was needed when the alleged bribery of police and other officials already can be prosecuted under strict bribery laws in the U.K. "The whole point behind the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act was to address situations where U.S. companies were going into countries that had weaker bribery laws than the U.S. and seeking to take advantage of that to win unfair advantages," Painter told Capital. "I hardly think of the U.K. as the type of country where we should be using FCPA to prosecute for conduct there." Nevertheless, "it's a very broad statute and it doesn't preclude this type of enforcement at all," he said.