Susan M. Wolf

Regents Professor and McKnight Presidential Professor of Law, Medicine & Public Policy
Faegre Drinker Professor of Law
Professor of Medicine

Prof. Wolf Quoted in USA Today on New Forms of DNA Testing

Professor Susan Wolf was quoted in USA Today on a new report from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston that states that new forms of DNA testing of a child may reveal that the genetic parents are close relatives, potentially indicating incest and in some cases, sexual abuse of a minor who produces a child. The article, entitled "DNA tests could reveal unknown proof of incest," reports that "Improved gene tests can now reveal children born of incest without the need to test for either parent's DNA." Wolf, an expert on incidental findings in genetic and genomic research, said, "This is a first report of a potentially important new category of incidental findings in medicine. As genetic testing gives us more and more information, we are going to learn a lot more about undisclosed relationships."