Myron Orfield

Myron Orfield

Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law
Director, Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity

Orfield Tapped for Regionalism Expertise

Professor Myron Orfield, Executive Director of the Institute on Race & Poverty, will lead a “community forum” focusing on regional cooperation hosted by YorkCounts on January 24th. YorkCounts is a broad coalition that aims to improve the quality of life in York County, Pennsylvania. The forum is part of a broader project aimed at stopping the slide of distressed municipalities and school districts in York County. Orfield also recently met with Hudson, Ohio Mayor William Currin and a task force of other Ohio mayors and city managers to detail the advantages of “regional economic development” for distressed areas in Northeast Ohio. Professor Orfield discussed the benefits reaped locally when the Minnesota legislature passed a groundbreaking regional wealth-sharing plan. Regional planning in Ohio could lower taxes and allow for improved residential services.