Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Francis Shen appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO News, answering the question, "How Do They Determine If Deadly Force Was Justified?" "We think about what would a reasonable officer have done…
Professor Brett McDonnell was interviewed on Twin Cities News Talk AM 1130's Up & At 'Em morning radio show with Jack Tomczak and Ben Kruse. McDonnell discussed his op-ed article on liberal reaction to the…
Professor Mark Kappelhoff, deputy assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice, delivered the opening statement at the Convention on the Elimination of Racial…
Professor June Carbone appeared on WCCO News Radio's Jordana Green Show to discuss marriage and children. Carbone spoke about her new book, Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family…
Professor Jane Kirtley took part in three sessions at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 97th Annual Conference in Montreal. On August 6, her presentation, "The First…
Professor Francis Shen was quoted in a Star Tribune article about the University of Minnesota's expanded research presence at the Minnesota State Fair. Shen will run a State Fair Justice study at the fair…
Professor Myron Orfield's work on the exclusionary rule was cited in a New Yorker article entitled "Crime Fiction: Did the Chicago Police Coerce Witnesses into Pinpointing the Wrong Man for Murder?"
Professor June Carbone's new book, Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family (with Naomi Cahn of George Washington University Law School), was the subject of a one-hour interview and…
Professor Jane Kirtley's op-ed about the Jesse Ventura libel case appeared in MinnPost. Kirtley observed that Ventura's 8-2 victory was "a sobering way to mark the 50th anniversary of New York Times v.
Professor June Carbone's recent book, Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American Family (Oxford University Press, 2014), with Naomi Cahn (George Washington University), was reviewed in the…
Professor June Carbone hosted a discussion of Sheila Bapat's book, Part of the Family? Nannies, Housekeepers, Caregivers and the Battle for Domestic Workers' Rights, on the Firedoglake Book Salon.
Professor Ralph Hall was quoted in an FDAnews article entitled "FDA Details 510(k) Risk/Benefit…