Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor June Carbone hosted a discussion of Sheila Bapat's book, Part of the Family? Nannies, Housekeepers, Caregivers and the Battle for Domestic Workers' Rights, on the Firedoglake Book Salon.
Professor Ralph Hall was quoted in an FDAnews article entitled "FDA Details 510(k) Risk/Benefit…
Professor Francis Shen was quoted in a Pioneer Press article entitled "In Ventura's Defamation Case, Eyewitness Memories on Trial, Too." Shen spoke on the challenge of assessing the accuracy of eyewitness…
Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in a Star Tribune article about possible First Amendment challenges to panhandling ordinances in Rochester and other cities. Kitrosser discussed the implications for such…
Professor Kristin Hickman participated in a teleforum debate regarding the merits and implications of the D.C. Circuit's recent decision in Kuretski v. Commissioner. In Kuretski, the D.C. Circuit…
Clinical Teaching Fellow Kate Evans, Professor Benjamin Casper ('97), and recent graduate Julia Decker ('14) were interviewed for a Minnesota Lawyer article entitled "U of M Center Heads to SCOTUS." The…
Professor JaneAnne Murray was one of the faculty training volunteer lawyers in a two-day training event in Washington, D.C., in Clemency Project 2014 (CP2014) on July 15-16, 2014. CP2014 is a historic collaboration…
Professor Heidi Kitrosser was quoted in the Pioneer Press on the Supreme Court's recent Hobby Lobby decision. Kitrosser discussed the decision's potential to generate new litigation by corporations testing…
Professor Brett McDonnell published an op-ed in the Star Tribune entitled "Ideological Blind Spots: The Left on Hobby Lobby." The article argues that in several key respects the Supreme Court's decision…
Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted in a Law360 article entitled "Top IP Verdicts of 2014--and the Law Firms That Won Them." The article notes that "[t]he largest intellectual property verdicts of 2014 so far include…
Professor Jill Hasday wrote "The Law Should Do Much More to Protect Sibling Relationships When Families Fall Apart" for Slate.com. The article draws on Hasday's recent book, Family Law Reimagined (Harvard…
Professor June Carbone was interviewed on The Marilu Henner Show on the subject of her new book with Naomi Cahn (George Washington University Law School), Marriage Markets: How Inequality is Remaking the American…