Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a USA Today story on the indictment of former presidential candidate John Edwards for election law violations. Painter pointed out that the prosecution's theory, that a…
Professor Richard Painter wrote an op-ed entitled "Give All Judicial Nominees a Vote" for the Dallas-Fort Worth Star Telegram. Painter spoke approvingly of arguments by Republican Senators, particularly…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted by Sen. Daniel K. Inouye and Sen. Barbara Boxer's op-ed entitled "Goodwin Liu's Nomination should have been OK'd" in the Honolulu Star Advertiser. The article said, "...…
Professor Richard Painter wrote an editorial for Politico entitled "The Case for Goodwin Liu." In speeches on the Senate floor, Senators Feinstein (D CA) and Coons (D DE) both quoted from this and other…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a New York Times article on the Senate Ethics Committee's referral to the Justice Department of its conclusion that Senator John Ensign (R NV) had broken the law in…

Professor Richard Painter published an op-ed in the Star Tribune urging state legislators to reject a potentially divisive constitutional amendment on same sex marriage. Painter pointed out that the…

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a USA Today article on the motion to recuse U.S. District Judge Vaughn Walker in the California Proposition 8 case. Painter pointed out that the mere fact that Judge…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted by Reuters in a story about an important insider trading case in which U.S. District Judge Jed Rakoff expressed concern about new powers vested in the SEC under the Dodd-Frank…
Professor Richard Painter was referenced in a San Francisco Chronicle article regarding the nomination of UC Berkeley law professor Goodwin Liu to a federal appeals court. The article stated, "Several…
At the confirmation hearing for Berkeley Law Professor Goodwin Liu's nomination to the Ninth Circuit, Senator Al Franken read into the record portions of Professor Richard Painter's…
Professor Richard Painter was a guest on an episode of Patt Morrison on Southern California Public Radio. He debated with Ed Whelan, president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, on Supreme Court justices…