Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Prof. JaneAnne Murray, Director of the Law School's Clemency Project, participated in a webinar with the U.S. Pardon Attorney, Liz Oyer, addressing the significance and potential impact of President Biden's…

On November 15, 2022, Professor JaneAnne Murray, director of the Law School's Clemency Project, presented a CLE program at the Law School to launch the Minnesota State Clemency Project, a program of the…

On October 21, 2022, the Star Tribune reported on a victory for the Law School's clemency clinic, run by Prof. JaneAnne Murray.  In August of this year, the Clinic, working with the ACLU and the LAMP…

The Star Tribune reports that in light of the TRO won by the Law School's Clemency Clinic, Mitchell-Hamline's LAMP Clinic and the ACLU  earlier this week, the Department of Corrections is backing off its…

On August 9, 2022, the Law School's Clemency Clinic, run by Professor JaneAnne Murray, filed a class action suit with the ACLU and Mitchell-Hamline's LAMP Clinic on behalf of the 15 prisoners currently on…

The Law School's Clemency Clinic, run by Professor JaneAnne Murray, has filed a class action suit with the ACLU and Mitchell-Hamline's LAMP Clinic to halt the plan of the Minnesota Department of Corrections to…

On July 27, 2022, the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers released a recording of an interview of the recently-appointed U.S. Pardon Attorney, Elizabeth Oyer, by Professor JaneAnne Murray, director of…

Over two days, March 3 and March 8, 2022, the Minnesota House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance and Policy Committee held informational hearings on a bill spearheaded by the Law School's Clemency…

On February 18, 2022, Professor JaneAnne Murray, Director of the Law School's Clemency Project, participated in a panel on federal clemency petitions and compassionate release motions as part of the Second…

The Star Tribune asked its metro reporters to identify which stories from 2021 "they felt were among the most memorable."  One of the 14 chosen was Stephen Montemayor's Nov.

The Star Tribune reported on the unanimous vote of the Minnesota Board of Pardons to commute the sentence of Samantha Heiges, a client of the Law School's Clemency Clinic, run by Professor JaneAnne…

MPR reported that the Board of Pardons formally voted today to grant the commutation petition of Samantha Heiges, a client of the Law School's Clemency Clinic run by Professor JaneAnne Murray.  Heiges was…