Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jane Kirtley's op-ed, "Why the U.S. Constitution Gives You the Right to Know Lethal Injection's Secrets," was published in the Guardian on the same day that several news organizations filed a law suit…
Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on a panel, entitled "The New Media as an Advocate for Human Rights Reform in Colombia," at the 15th Annual Conference on Legal & Policy Issues in the Americas: Human Rights in…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a U.S. Law Week story about the Fourth Circuit's ruling in Company Doe v. Public Citizen, which reversed a federal district judge's decision allowing a manufacturer's…
Professor Jane Kirtley participated in the 2014 Breaux Symposium, "50 Years after New York Times v. Sullivan," at Louisiana State University, commemorating the anniversary of the Supreme Court case that…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the BBC World Service show, "World Have Your Say." The topic was the decision of a high court judge in South Africa to allow electronic media coverage of the upcoming Oscar…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press report about new Justice Department guidelines governing obtaining records from the news media in leak investigations. She expressed concern that "national…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO Radio's John Williams Show. She discussed whether a Rogers High School student's "tweet" appearing to confirm an allegation that he had a sexual relationship with a…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Pioneer Press article about Wednesday's summary judgment hearing in the defamation law suit brought by former Gov. Jesse Ventura against the estate of a deceased…
Professor Jane Kirtley labeled a proposed Minnesota bill to limit electronic access to mugshots "very poor policy" in an article in City Pages. Rep. Pam Myhra has proposed the bill in response to websites…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an editorial in the Pioneer Press discussing secrecy surrounding the terms of a separation agreement with a Forest Lake school district principal, despite amendments…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press story on a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling holding that a private business working on a school district project is not required to make subcontractor data…
Professor Jane Kirtley was the principal speaker on "Global Privacy and Advertising Developments" at the Practising Law Institute's Communications Law in the Digital Age conference in New York. Kirtley's…