Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jane Kirtley discussed Judge Sonia Sotomayor's opinions in First Amendment and FOIA cases with David Hudson of the First Amendment Center. Kirtley described Sotomayor's ruling in U.S. v. Quattrone as "the…
Prof. Jane Kirtley's op-ed, "Cheers greet Obama's declaration of 'a new era of openness'" was published in MinnPost.com. Prof. Kirtley outlined how President Obama's policy statements and Executive Orders on…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in a story in the Los Angeles Times, discussing whether the newspaper should accede to demands of the McCain-Palin campaign and violate its promise of confidentiality to the…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted by McClatchy News Service in a story about the FBI's refusal to release at least 15,000 pages of records relating to its investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks. The agency…
Professor Jane Kirtley delivered the keynote address, "Taking Offense: Expression and Access Rights on Trial" at the Minnesota Coalition for Intellectual Freedom's Annual Dinner marking Banned Books Week at the…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in the Star Tribune after St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman announced that journalists arrested at the Republican National Convention will not be prosecuted. Coleman added that…
Prof. Kirtley delivered the "State of the First Amendment" keynote address at the University of Kentucky's annual First Amendment Celebration on September 16. She described challenges to freedom of the press and…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was interviewed for Jason DeRusha's "Good Question" segment on WCCO television. The topic was whether broadcasters are required to provide equal coverage to political candidates. "There is no…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press story on July 9, 2008, regarding a $12,000 Federal Communications Commission fine imposed on Clear Channel Communications, former owner of radio station KFGO,…
Professor Jane Kirtley delivered a series of lectures on media law and ethics in Sierra Leone from June 17-21. Her appearances in Freetown and in the "upcountry" towns of Makeni and Bo were sponsored by the U.S.…
Professor Jane Kirtley said it was a "pretty bizarre chapter in a bizarre case." She was referring to the child porn trial of R&B superstar R. Kelly, and the fact that Chicago Sun-Times music critic Jim…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was quoted in the New York Sun in a story concering the subpoena of Washington Times reporter William Gertz, who has been asked to identify sources for a news story he wrote about…