Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor William McGeveran, an expert on Internet and privacy law, testified about proposed changes to the Video Privacy Protection Act before the U.S. Senate's Judiciary Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and…
Professor William McGeveran, an expert on intellectual property and Internet law, spoke to several media outlets about the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect IP Act, measures aimed at preventing…
Professor William McGeveran was a guest on MPR's Midmorning show to talk about the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act, the anti-piracy bills currently being debated in Congress and…
Professor William McGeveran spoke to Minnesota Public Radio's Elizabeth Stawicki about the role of standing doctrine in a challenge to the federal health care reform law that is now pending before the Eighth…
Professor William McGeveran was interviewed on American Public Media's radio program, Marketplace Tech Report, about the contrasting U.S. and European approaches to privacy law. "There's really no question that…
Professor William McGeveran was quoted in a story in the ABA Journal on his explanation of trademark law in an article about a fight over the term "urban homesteading." McGeveran, who specializes in…
Professor William McGeveran testified before the Minnesota Campaign Finance Board about proposed disclosure rules for contributions to ballot question campaigns. McGeveran, who specializes in internet and privacy law…
Professor William McGeveran contributed two recent articles to Capital New York. One essay considers a trademark dispute between Christian Louboutin and Yves St. Laurent…
Professor William McGeveran was quoted in an article in the Star Tribune entitled, "Local blogger's defamation trial could have broad effect." The story details a defamation lawsuit against local blogger…
Professor William McGeveran wrote a column in Capital New York strongly criticizing a recent copyright claim by the famous artist Jeff Koons against the sale of bookends in the shape of balloon dogs.…
An article in the business section of the Sunday New York Times concerning the Federal Trade Commission's new online privacy initiative quoted Professor William McGeveran, an expert in internet privacy…
Professor William McGeveran wrote an article entitled "Palin v. Gawker: This won't end well for 'fair use'" for Capital New York. McGeveran explained that the recent ongoing legal battle between Gawker…