Human Rights Center Summer Fellowship Information Session 

January 25, 2023, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

Join the Human Rights Center for a lunch and learn for our summer fellowship program. Along with an overview from the HRC, a panel of our 2022 Summer Fellows will share their experiences and answer questions for prospective applicants.

Prof. Richard Painter was a guest on the Legal Talk Network with Craig Williams. They discussed House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's bid to become the Speaker and on McCarthy's proposal calling for "the gutting of the Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent, non-partisan entity created in 2008 and tasked with reviewing allegations of misconduct against members, officers, and staff of the US House of Representatives."

The Laws of War and the Russia-Ukraine War

February 1, 2023, 8:30 to 9:30 am

This presentation will discuss the legal rules that apply to Russia's invasion of Ukraine both as it pertains to the legality of the invasion itself as well as to specific military means and methods used to carry out military operations, such as targeting civilians, or the targeting of certain protected sites (such as hospitals) and of critical civilian infrastructure, as well as the use of drones, and more. Options for accountability of Russian military and civilian leaders and soldiers will also be examined.

1 standard credit (#479283)

A New Yorker Magazine article addressing second chances for incarcerated individuals quoted a paper that was lead-authored by Professor JaneAnne Murray, Director of the Law School's Clemency Project.  The New Yorker article focused on one individual (not represented by Murray) in the large population of incarcerated individuals who committed the crimes of which they were guilty but for which they received excessive sentences, often ones they would not receive today.  This is the population that is the focus of Murray's Clemency Project and her clemency clinic, which is a component

In a letter to the Star Tribune, retired Supreme Court Justice Sam Hanson discussed Prof. Chomsky's 1990 Stanford Law Review article, "The United States-Dakota Wars Trials: a Study of Military Injustice."  Justice Hanson shared Professor Chomsky's findings about the trials that followed the war to supplement the newspaper's coverage of the anniversary of the mass execution of Dakota soldiers on December 25, 1862.

8th Annual MLK Convocation in Honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

January 19, 2023, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

In his final speech, Rev. Dr. King observed: "I've been to the mountaintop... I've looked over and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land." Fifty five years later, what progress have we made toward that "Promised Land" that MLK glimpsed, and how might our conceptions of what it will look when we get there changed?

MLK 2023 digital banner

On February 18, 2022, Professor JaneAnne Murray, Director of the Law School's Clemency Project, participated in a panel on federal clemency petitions and compassionate release motions as part of the Second Chances Symposium organized by the Federal Criminal Justice Clinic at the University of Chicago Law School.  The symposium explored second chances in the federal and state criminal legal systems, with a focus on clemency, compassionate release, and other post-conviction “second looks” that allow judges, politicians, parole boards, and others to reconsider sentences after imposit

On November 15, 2022, Professor JaneAnne Murray, director of the Law School's Clemency Project, presented a CLE program at the Law School to launch the Minnesota State Clemency Project, a program of the Minnesota Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (MACDL) and a host of non-profit partner organizations (including the Law School's Clemency Project) to recruit and train volunteer lawyers and law students to draft clemency applications to the Minnesota Board of Pardons.  The State Clemency Project is also recruiting attorneys experienced in state criminal practice to serve on an advis

Garry W. Jenkins, dean and William S. Pattee Professor of Law, was interviewed on Fox9 News this week about the Law School's recent announcement of the Jones Day Diversity Fellowship. Discussing the need for the new program, Jenkins said, "To be a lawyer, when you think about legal issues, they touch almost every part of society, so we need students with all kinds of different backgrounds." The Jones Day Diversity Fellowship offers full tuition, mentorship, and potential career opportunities.