Professor Megan Walsh and a group of law students were featured in a Minnesota Daily article covering the school's new Gun Violence Prevention Clinic. Partnering with the Minnesota Attorney General's office, the clinic provides students with the opportunity to work pro-bono with clients harmed by gun violence, sales, practices, or manufacturing. Professor Walsh shared, “I’m hoping not just to bring litigation, but just to bring more attention to this issue.”

Sarah Brenes, Executive Director of the Binger Center for New Americans, was quoted by Sahan Journal in an article covering the Minnesota House passing a bill that would allow undocumented immigrants to obtain driver's licenses. Prof. Brenes commented, “Restoring universal access to driver’s licenses helps reduce fear among immigrant families, as well as other vulnerable populations who face barriers to obtaining IDs due to challenges in accessing necessary documents.

James H. Binger Center Hosts Annual Asylum Conference

On November 18, faculty and staff of Minnesota Law and The Advocates co-sponsored the Fall 2022 Asylum Conference.  Over 200 attorneys, paralegals and community members learned how to improve client collaboration and build a case record to withstand appeal.  Participants built skills to address systemic and implicit bias when representing trauma survivors, including critical interviewing skills and techniques to effectively work with interpreters.  Appellate lawyers discussed common errors seen in records on appeal and ways court practitioners can reserve key issues for appea

Sarah Brenes, Executive Director, Binger Center for New Americans

Professor Fionnuala Ní Aoláin was quoted in a New York Times article on the Defense Departments recent decision to lift a ban on the release of artwork made by prisoners at Guantánamo Bay. Professor Ní Aoláin is scheduled to visit the detention operation this week, and the topic of artwork is expected to be discussed.

Tax Clinic Has a Record $1M Year Reducing Taxpayer Liabilities

The law school’s Ronald M. Mankoff Tax Clinic had a record year in 2022—for the first time ever surpassing the $1 million mark in how much it helped clients reduce their tax liabilities.

The clinic annually files a report with the IRS providing the client liability reduction figure as part of a federal grant that it receives. For years in which records are available, the highest amount  the clinic has previously reported was about $572,000 in 2016.

Tax Clinic Reaches $1M Mark in Taxpayer Savings

Professors Linus Chan & Sarah Brenes were interviewed by Sahan Journal in a recent article they released providing advice for those seeking an attorney for immigration court. The article provides an introduction for those unfamiliar with immigration court and the legal process that accompanies it.

The United Nations has announced that UN Special Rapporteur, Prof. Ní Aoláin, will visit the Guantanamo Bay detention centre this month. The last time a UN expert visited Guantanamo was in 2007.

Law Clinics Fair

March 29, 2023, 12:15 to 1:15 pm

The Law Clinics Fair is an opportunity for students to receive the latest information on 2023-24 Law Clinic opportunities and to speak informally with Law Clinic students, professors, and staff.