Edward Garvey ’86

President, AESL Consulting


  • University of Minnesota, B.A.
  • University of Minnesota Law School, J.D.
  • University of St. Thomas, M.B.A.

Edward Garvey founded AESL Consulting in 2008 to provide strategic regulatory and public policy support to public utilities, Garvey handles a wide variety of matters for clients of all sizes, and has extensive individual, class, and collective action experience.

Prior to AESL Consulting, Garvey was point person for former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty on energy issues, climate policy, and telecommunications as Deputy Commissioner and Director of the Office of Energy Security in the MN Dept. of Commerce. In this role, Edward led 80+ technical and professional staff who advocated before the MN Public Utility Commission. He analyzed rate cases, power purchase agreements, requests for new electricity generating facilities, transmission lines, and pipelines, as well as, the state’s energy information office, Minnesota’s low-income energy assistance program, and state telecommunications regulatory and policy development. Garvey helped create nation-leading renewable energy policies, implement one of the nation’s most effective energy efficiency programs. He helped craft Minnesota’s response to climate change, encouraging significant transmission, pipeline, and other energy infrastructure. He also helped draft the November 2007 Midwestern Governors Association climate accord and energy platform.

For five years prior to his work at the Dept. of Commerce, Garvey was on the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, serving as its chairman for three of those years. Before that he was the Director of the Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance.

Garvey served as legislative assistant for energy and the environment for former US Senator Dave Durenberger in Washington DC. After three years at the Minneapolis law firm Gray, Plant Mooty, Edward went back to work for Sen. Durenberger in his Minnesota office to handle health care issues. Garvey obtained a B.A. from the University of Minnesota in 1983 and a J.D. from the University of Minnesota Law School in 1986. He received his M.B.A. from the University of St. Thomas in 1998.

Energy and Utility Law