Prof. Alan Rozenshtein Interviewed for WIRED About TikTok’s Defense Methods to Avoid Ban

Professor Alan Rozenshtein was interviewed for WIRED about an effort by TikTok to defend itself against a ban in the U.S. In oral arguments last week, TikTok pointed out that other Chinese companies could be collecting as much data as it does. An attorney acting for TikTok argued that the law to ban TikTok unfairly targets the social media app for the speech on the platform and that it violates the First Amendment. Specifically, they said the law exempts other Chinese apps that could have been doing worse on the concern of data security protection. Prof. Rozenshtein said this was a valid legal strategy as the First Amendment can consider a law unconstitutional “if the law hinges on solving a particular problem, does so in an extremely limited way, and leaves the law unsolved.”