June Carbone

Robina Chair in Law, Science and Technology

Prof. June Carbone and Co-Authors of Fair Shake Write Op-Ed in The Hill

Prof. June Carbone, Robina Chair in Law, Science and Technology, along with her co-authors of Fair Shake: Women and the Fight to Build a Just Economy wrote an op-ed in The Hill about the overall direction of the U.S. Supreme Court especially given its recent rulings. The book authors wrote this movement has occurred over many years. “The Supreme Court’s actions are part of a decades-long pattern of rulings that bolster what we have called the ‘winner-take-all economy’ — that is, a system that allocates a disproportionate share of society’s resources to those already at the top. That ideological system is now moving into politics and the administration of the high court itself. In our book we explain this winner-take-all system in today’s economy. The system rests on a view of personal power rather than institutionalized power. At its core, it celebrates the great man (and, yes, the winners in the system are mostly men) who breaks free from bureaucratic constraints to create something new.”