Minnesota Law Patent Students Find Careers at Gallium Law

Law firms and corporations are embracing non-lawyer patent professionals such as patent agents, technical specialists, and specialists. Gallium Law specializes in patent law and hires both, USPTO-registered JD and non-JD graduates from Minnesota Law as patent attorneys (JD) and patent agents (non-JD).

After working at several large law firms, Wes Schwie ’12, founded Gallium Law with the mission of creating an accessible pathway for all, to intellectual property. Operating in a fundamentally different manner than traditional law firms, Gallium Law employs a combination of JD and non-JD professionals to tailor IP strategies to their client’s needs, resources, and goals. Gallium focuses on a personal approach where attorneys and agents interact directly with inventors, helping them understand the importance of securing IP rights as quickly as possible, especially for early-stage ventures.

Schwie is a proud triple-Golden-Gopher. He earned a Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (BME), an MBA, and graduated magna cum laude with a JD, all from the University of Minnesota. As a patent attorney and a serial entrepreneur, Wes brings a unique perspective and understanding of the role that intellectual property plays in a business. “Having started several businesses prior to Gallium Law, notably Innovelis, Inc., I understand the importance of IP and the limited availability of cash to start-ups. I wanted to structure a law firm around supporting the needs of new business ventures. Since Gallium’s inception, these clients have been at the front of my mind and central to our vision.”

Schwie noted “Minnesota Law produces top-notch quality patent agents, essential to Gallium’s mission. Our agents allow us to offer the highest quality patent work at lower bill rates, thereby empowering smaller and solo clients to secure their vital IP rights, clients who normally can’t afford large law firms.”

Isabel Fox, M.S. Patent Law ’18, joined Gallium Law as a patent agent in 2018 and enjoys the broad scope of work—from drafting patent applications to enforcing IP rights—that comes with working at a small firm. She enjoys the flexible nature of the firm and works remotely from California since she joined Gallium. “One of my favorite things about working at Gallium is that, even though we’re geographically spread out, I know everyone at the firm. We all work closely, and it’s nice to maintain those working relationships, even across time zones. I’ve also been able to meet a few of our West Coast clients in person, which has been great!”
Read more about Isabel.

Justin Schwechter, M.S. Patent Law ’20, is a Double-Golden-Gopher, having achieved his BME he worked as an engineer for some time before returning to UMN to enter the world of Intellectual Property. After graduating and passing the Patent Bar, Justin began working full-time for Gallium as a patent agent. “Gallium Law allowed me to put my education to use immediately and in all facets of patent law – performing searches, prosecuting pending applications, and drafting new applications from scratch. Our clientele ranges from individual inventors to corporations, and I have had the pleasure of meeting every inventor with whom I have worked. Some of our clients’ hail from Minnesota, so I have had opportunities to visit them in person to see their inventions and hold invention harvests, which I feel greatly facilitates both the flow of ideas and the understanding of each of these inventions.”

Mike Bakke, M.S. Patent Law ’21, originally found the M.S. Patent Law program by accident while at a job fair on campus, but quickly became interested after speaking with the program director. He became a patent agent in 2022 and joined Gallium Law as a full-time patent agent in 2023 after taking on some projects for the firm as an independent patent agent. “I love that Gallium Law has allowed me to work on patent applications in many different technical fields and get first-hand experience quickly. I also appreciate working in a firm where people care about clients and will work with them to really understand their inventions and goals.”

Isha Dahal, M.S. Patent Law ’22, initially joined Gallium Law in 2022 as an Intellectual Property paralegal. Her experience in the M.S. Patent Law degree program confirmed her interest in patent law. She will soon take the Patent Bar Exam to become a Registered Patent Agent and progress her role at the firm. “I was working part-time in the logistics and shipping industry and quickly realized working with patents and Gallium Law suited my interests and talents. In the short time I have been at Gallium Law, I have worked closely with all the practitioners, shadowing them and learning the techniques they use to do patent searches and write patent applications. I am currently working on the paralegal side and experiencing different aspects, such as patent filing and establishing connections with foreign associates and clients. Gallium Law has let me continue learning and growing within the patent law field, and I am excited to continue working with patents.”

Devany Rindy, M.S. Patent Law ’24, received her undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a Bachelor of Science degree in Conservation Biology. She became interested in patent law due to the intersection between science, technology, and policy. She was further drawn to the field for the opportunity to work with solution-oriented individuals. She is currently enrolled in the M.S. Patent Law program and is completing a field placement internship at Gallium Law to gain experience in various aspects of patent law. She is expecting to graduate from the M.S. Patent Law program in Spring 2024, and plans on taking the Patent Bar Exam to become a Registered Patent Agent. “I've learned so much from my mentors at Gallium Law and this field placement has given me confidence in my patent drafting skills. The professional growth I've experienced while at Gallium Law will be invaluable as I start my career.”

Chris Turoski

Christopher M. Turoski ’98

Assistant Professor of Patent Law Programs