Myron Orfield

Myron Orfield

Earl R. Larson Professor of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Law
Director, Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity

Prof. Myron Orfield Authors Op-Ed in Star Tribune About the Implications of School Segregation in Minnesota

Professor Myron Orfield published an opinion piece in the Star Tribune about the implications of school segregation in Minnesota.

Orfiled writes, "Minnesota has developed some of the nation's largest racial gaps. When schools were integrated the state and metro had relatively small achievement gaps. But after a quarter-century of segregation, that is no longer true. Recent data from Stanford University shows that the Twin Cities has the third-largest Black-white achievement gap (behind only Oakland and Cleveland), and the fourth-largest Latino-white achievement gap (behind San Jose, Philadelphia, and Oakland). As segregation grows, it gets worse. Because of this school segregation, accompanied by growing residential segregation, Minnesota has some of the worst racial gaps in health, wealth, employment, and incarceration."