Law Library's Jewels of the Collection: Treasures of the Riesenfeld Rare Books Research Center Receives the American Association of Law Libraries 2024 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award 

The University of Minnesota Law School's Law Library has been awarded the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 2024 Joseph L. Andrews Legal Literature Award for Jewels of the Collection: Treasures of the Riesenfeld Rare Books Research Center. The Andrews Award recognizes a significant textual contribution to legal bibliographical literature and is one of the most prestigious awards presented by AALL
Jewels of the Collection was co-authored by Ryan Greenwood, Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections, and Patrick Graybill, the former Library Digital Initiatives Technologist, with editorial support from law librarians Michael HannonConnie Lenz, and Sarah Yates. Publications authored or edited by the University of Minnesota Law librarians have now won the Joseph L. Andrews Award five times, a remarkable achievement.

Ryan Greenwood

Associate Law Librarian
Curator of Rare Books and Special Collections