Prof. Alan Rozenshtein Quoted in ALM About Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act
Prof. Alan Rozenshtein was quoted in ALM about questions that remain around Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and the limited federal immunity it provides to tech companies and social media platforms against litigation. Recent lawsuits against social media sites like TikTok, Meta, and Snapchat, and circuit court considerations of Section 230, has brought the statute to the forefront. However, the scope and reach the statute has in granting immunity to online computer services and publishers regarding user-generated, third-party content remains unclear. Professor Rozenshtein said that part of the ongoing uncertainty and the increase in suits against various social platforms is due to the Supreme Court’s 2023 decision in Gonzalez v. Google, where the court was expected to address Section 230 and its meaning, but declined to do so. According to Rozenshtein, the court’s decision to not address the statute signals “that this question of what does Section 230 actually mean, is much more unsettled then I think has long been assumed.”