Prof. Jane Kirtley Interviewed by Minnesota Lawyer About the New ABA Accreditation Standards for Freedom of Speech at Law Schools

Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by Minnesota Lawyer about a new requirement that law schools must adopt free speech policies in order to maintain their ABA accreditation. According to the ABA, the new policy was prompted by laws being implemented in places such as Florida that limit discussion of race and other controversial topics in classrooms. Professor Kirtley said she doesn't anticipate any significant changes at Minnesota Law because of the new accreditation rule. “We are already committed to freedom of expression and are subject to the first amendment.” Kirtley pointed out that, as a state university, the U of M is “already subject to the First Amendment, which means we can’t suppress speech based on viewpoint, but can impose time, place and manner” restrictions on individuals or groups that might be judged as impinging on others’ rights.