Jill Hasday

Jill Hasday

Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Centennial Professor in Law
Charlotte Garden

Charlotte Garden

Professor of Law
Gray, Plant, Mooty, Mooty & Bennett Professor of Law

Prof. Hasday & Prof. Garden Quoted on Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Decision and How it Impacts Minnesota in the Star Tribune

Professor Jill Hasday and Professor Charlotte Garden were quoted in the Star Tribune on how the recent Supreme Court affirmative action decision could impact corporate DEI decisions. Professor Hasday told the Star Tribune, "I would expect that general counsels at corporations are carefully reviewing this affirmative action decision. I think there's a potential for a chilling effect." Professor Garden commented, "Failing to take action when you notice either past discrimination or you notice manifest imbalances? That could also give rise to litigation. So employers should keep focused on the bigger picture rather than getting tunnel vision about this one [court] decision."