Prof. Rozenshtein Co-Authors Piece for Lawfare About the Impact of Cassidy Hutchinson's Jan. 6 Testimony and Potential Indictment of Donald Trump

Professor Alan Rozenshtein and Professor Jed Handelsman Shugerman (Fordham University School of Law) co-authored an article on Lawfare about former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony before the January 6 Committee and how her testimony changed their minds about whether or not former President Donald Trump should be indicted. Rozenshtein and Shugerman said they previously didn't think there was sufficient evidence to indict Trump, but now say Hutchinson's testimony changes things. "Until Tuesday, we had both publicly stated that the Department of Justice had insufficient evidence to indict former President Trump for his conduct on January 6. Our conclusion, which we each came to independently, was largely grounded in First Amendment concerns about criminalizing purely political speech," writes Rozenshtein and Shugerman,  "But Tuesday’s explosive testimony from Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, changed our minds."