Professor Kristin Hickman

Kristin Hickman

Associate Dean for Research and Intellectual Life
McKnight Presidential Professor in Law
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Harlan Albert Rogers Professor in Law
Associate Director, Corporate Institute

Prof. Hickman Featured In Bloomberg Podcast About SCOTUS Tax Cases

Professor Kristin Hickman was interviewed in Bloomberg's weekly Talking Tax podcast about tax cases pending before the U.S. Supreme Court in its new term.  The discussion focused principally on CIC Services, LLC v. Internal Revenue Service, concerning whether the Anti-Injunction Act precludes pre-enforcement judicial review of challenges against IRS rules and regulations under the Administrative Procedure Act.  Also discussed was the petition for certiorari filed in A.F. Moore & Assoc. v. Pappas, in which Judge Amy Coney Barrett wrote the opinion for the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals holding that the Tax Injunction Act did not preclude federal district court review of equal protection and due process challenges against the methodology used in assessing state real property taxes.