Professor Kristin Hickman

Kristin Hickman

Associate Dean for Research and Intellectual Life
McKnight Presidential Professor in Law
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Harlan Albert Rogers Professor in Law
Associate Director, Corporate Institute

Prof. Hickman Posts Commentary on Controversial D.C. Circuit Tax Opinion

Prof. Kristin Hickman has posted her thoughts regarding the D.C. Circuit's controversial split decision in Cohen v. United States, No. 08-5088 (D.C. Cir. Aug. 7, 2009), on the prominent TaxProf Blog. Prof. Hickman notes two particularly significant aspects of the panel majority's opinion: (1) its unusually narrow construction of the Tax Anti-Injunction Act and the Declaratory Judgment Act to permit judicial review of a taxpayer challenge to a tax regulation or ruling in a suit that does not arise from a typical IRS refund or deficiency action; and (2) its conclusion that IRS Notice 2006-50 is a final, substantive rule rather than a general statement of policy.