Judith T. Younger

Professor of Law Emeritus
Stanley V. Kinyon Chaired Teacher of the Year 2009-2010

Younger Cited in CT Supreme Court Decision

Professor Judith T. Younger was recently cited in an important Connecticut Supreme Court decision in both the majority and dissenting opinions. That case, Friezo v. Friezo, 281 Conn. 166 (2007), was the first opportunity for Connecticut’s highest court to interpret Connecticut’s statute governing the enforcement of antenuptial agreements. The Court noted the important role that Younger’s article “Perspectives on Antenupial Agreements,” 40 Rutgers L. Rev. 1059 (1988), played in the drafting of the statute and looked to her conclusions in seeking to understand the legislative intent behind it. Professor Younger discusses the Friezo case in her latest article, “Lovers’ Contracts in the Courts: Forsaking the Minimum Decencies,” which is scheduled to appear in a forthcoming issue of the William and Mary Journal of Women and the Law.

Copies of both the decision and the dissent are available for download in PDF format.