Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Prentiss Cox was quoted in a City Pages article on Congressional legislation to restrict the authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Cox observed that the CFPB has been an…

Professor Steve Meili presented his research on the constitutionalization of asylum law at the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre. His talk was part of the RSC’s weekly seminar series. In his talk,…

Professor Eugene Borgida will participate in a panel discussion about mitigating implicit bias in the criminal justice system, to be held on October 25 from 2-4 p.m. at the Minneapolis Jury Assembly Room at the…

Professor John H. Matheson was invited and has joined the Expert Reference Group for the Australian Research Council funded Discovery Project “Devising a Legal Blueprint for Corporate Energy Transition.”…

Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in a Minnesota Lawyer article titled “Minnesotan Sees Red Over Disney” in connection with a lawsuit filed by child development expert Denise Daniels alleging that…

Professor June Carbone was quoted in the National Catholic Reporter on the relationship between marriage and changing economic circumstances.  The article quoted a public presentation she gave in…

Professor Heidi Kitrosser was among the legal experts interviewed for a column in vox.com on the legal and political significance of Trump White House staffers' uses of private e-mail accounts. Kitrosser…

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in various news outlets including the …

Professor Alexandra Klass was intereviewed on Minnesota Public Radio for a story reporting on the Minnesota Department of Commerce's recent testimony on the controversial "Line 3" oil pipeline Enbridge Energy…

The New York Times Upshot Section quoted Professor June Carbone on the class divide in marriage. Professor Carbone observed that where money or assets are not involved, couples often don't…

Professor Alex Klass was quoted in a front-page Star Tribune article reporting on the Ramsey County District Court's recent decision holding that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources had…

The Illinois Supreme Court issued a decision involving the ability of a merchant transmission line company, Rock Island Clean Line, to apply for a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the…