Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on a plenary panel, "If it Looks Like a Duck—Modern Challenges in Defining Commercial Speech," at the American Bar Association's Forum on Communication Law 20th Annual Conference in…
Professor William McGeveran was interviewed on Minnesota Public Radio's "Morning Edition" broadcast and on WCCO Radio about privacy issues raised by police officers wearing video cameras that record their…
Professor Mark Kappelhoff published an op-ed, entitled "Bringing Human Trafficking to Justice: The Civil Rights Division's Pursuit of Freedom, Rights, and Dignity For Victims of Human Trafficking," in the…
Professor Laura J. Cooper has been appointed as the Alternate Member of the Minnesota Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) as a representative of the public at large. PERB is a new agency, created by the 2014…
Professor JaneAnne Murray was a guest on KCRW's To The Point for an episode entitled "How Many Innocent Americans Are Sitting in Jail?" The episode discussed how local district attorneys get re-elected…
Professor Mark Kappelhoff, Interim Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Rights Division at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ),…
Professor Stephen Befort has been elected Co-Chair of the Labor Law Group along with Melissa Hart from University of Colorado Law School. The Labor Law Group is a nonprofit educational trust that promotes…
Professor Paul Vaaler was interviewed by WCCO Radio's Dave Lee on the recent election in Greece of a left-wing populist government pledged to re-negotiate and write off a substantial percentage of sovereign debt…
Professor Claire Hill has been elected to the American Law Institute (ALI), the leading independent organization in the United States producing scholarly work to clarify, modernize and improve the law. The ALI…
Professor Francis Shen was quoted and his research on urban school board governance was cited in a Reno Gazette-Journal article, entitled "Appoint School Boards? It's Not Unusual Around the U.S." which…
Professor JaneAnne Murray published an op-ed in the New York Times addressing the issue of plea bargaining. The Supreme Court called our criminal justice system "a system of pleas" in 2012, she writes,…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Bloomberg News article on financial conflicts of interest that arose because a new Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commissioner did not, upon taking office,…