Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Deepinder Mayell, director of education and outreach for the Center for New Americans, was quoted in a Star Tribune article examining the progress of the Central American Minors Program, a…

Professor JaneAnne Murray was interviewed by Jon Collins on MPR about the Clemency Project she has been supervising at the school since late 2014, representing non-violent, low-level drug offenders in their…

Professors Richard Frase and Myron Orfield and research director at the Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice,…

Professor Judith T. Younger was quoted in The Charlotte Observer in an article examining recent developments regarding Prince's estate and new "potentially relevant" information about its heirs…

Professor Myron Orfield has been interviewed by multiple media outlets, including The Atlantic magazine and…

Professor Myron Orfield, director of the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity, and research fellow, Will Stancil, published an op-ed piece in the Star Tribune about what followed a 1967…

Professor Myron Orfield was interviewed by CNN reporter Rosa Flores for the "Erin Burnett OutFront" program on the subject of suburban racial profiling in the Twin Cities.…

Professor Richard W. Painter was quoted in an article in the New York Times about the White House announcement that the President would forbid cabinet members from addressing the Democratic…

Professor Richard W. Painter was quoted in two Wall Street Journal articles—here and…

Professor Myron Orfield was interviewed by KARE 11 news concerning the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity's 2003…