Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Tom Cotter launched a blog entitled "Comparative Patent Remedies," which will provide periodic updates and analyses of the law and economics of damages, injunctions, and other remedies for patent infringement…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in The Nation in an article on private sector employers that give substantial termination bonuses to employees who leave to become Congressional staffers and take other…
Professor D. Daniel Sokol was quoted in a Reuters article regarding Chinese merger control. China's antitrust system is only five years old but is increasingly a significant part of global antitrust M&A. Sokol…
Professor Tom Cotter's new book Comparative Patent Remedies: A Legal and Economic Analysis (Oxford University Press 2013) was the topic of an online symposium of Visiting Professor D. Daniel Sokol's…
Professor Ralph Hall will speak on Food and Drug Administration developments and the impart on innovation at CincyBIO, Cincinnati's annual conference on bioscience and technology.
Professor Susan Wolf will lecture at a conference on cancer genomics at Ohio State University today. Her lecture, entitled "Ethical Challenges in Translational Genomics," is focusing on the tremendous debate…
Professor D. Daniel Sokol (along with Professor Dan Crane of Michigan) wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on antitrust jurisprudence. The professors contributed to an amicus brief urging the Supreme…
Professor Greg Shaffer was interviewed on China Radio International in Beijing for the talk show "People in the Know" regarding China's handling of trade disputes in the current economic and political climate.
Professor Ralph Hall will speak in Washington, D.C., at a plenary session of the Food and Drug Law Institute Annual Conference. Hall will speak on the First Amendment, FDA oversight of drug and device promotion, and…
Professor Francis Shen was interviewed on Parent Talk Live about his new report published by the Center for America Progress, entitled…
Professor Jennie Green was quoted in a Reuters article on the impact of the April 17, 2013, decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Kiobel v. Royal Dutch Petroleum, a case brought under the Alien Tort Statute…
Professor Francis Shen chaired the first-ever session on Neuroscience and Law at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting in San Francisco. Shen spoke on the "Future of Neuroscience and Law" and was quoted…