Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Heidi Kitrosser's book, Reclaiming Accountability: Transparency, Executive Power, and the U.S. Constitution, is discussed in the most recent edition of Boston Review. The authors identify…
Professor Myron Orfield discussed the implication of the recent U.S. Supreme Court disparate impact decision and the new affirmatively furthering fair housing rules in a ThinkProgress blog entitled "White Racism,…
The New York Times Editorial Board cited Professor Myron Orfield's recent Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity study about the cost of affordable housing and its effect in concentrating poverty and…
Professor Dale Carpenter wrote a piece entitled "Marriage" for the Volokh Conspiracy blog in the Washington Post
Professor Fred Morrison spoke on Channel 12 News on the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that allows same-sex marriage nationwide. "No matter what state you're in, you can get a marriage license, you can be married there,…
Professor Myron Orfield discussed with the media the decision issued by the U.S. Supreme Court in the case of Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs v. The Inclusive Communities Project, which…

Professor Kristin Hickman's thoughts on the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in King v. Burwell, concerning the Internal Revenue Service's interpretation of the Affordable Care Act, were quoted in a San…

Professor Fred Morrison was quoted by MinnPost in an article entitled "Supreme Court's King v. Burwell Decision could Give GOP Opening to Rewrite Obamacare."
Professor Paul Vaaler commented on the recent increase in proposed mergers among large U.S. healthcare insurers in the context of the U.S. Supreme Court's consideration of key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (…

Professors Barbara Frey, Robert Stein and David Weissbrodt received the Center for Victims of Torture annual Eclipse Awards in recognition of their role in founding and supporting the organization 30 years ago.…

Professor Dale Carpenter was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article on how the U.S. Supreme Court might rule in the same-sex marriage case. "If the court comes down on the opposite side and says states are…