Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Benjamin Casper, director of the Center for New Americans, was quoted in Ruben Rosario's Pioneer Press column in an article entitled "Lakeville Man's Asylum Case has National Implications."…
Dean David Wippman was a guest on WCCO's "News & Views" with Roshini Rajkumar ('97). Wippman discussed the crisis in Syria and said that President Obama has realized there is no good option with the situation…
Professor Susan Wolf was quoted in the New York Times and Star Tribune in an article on the problems raised by using the sperm, eggs, and embryos of deceased individuals to conceive. An individual…
Professors Oren Gross and Fionnuala Ní Aoláin's book, Guantanamo and Beyond: Exceptional Courts and Military Commissions in Comparative Perspective, has just been published. The book provides a deep policy…
Professor Carl Warren was a guest on WCCO News Radio for a segment entitled "Twin Cities still Far from Reaching Dr. Martin Luther King's Dream." "Especially the Twin Cities metro area, we see that our schools and…
Emeritus Clinical Professor Maury Landsman was profiled in an NPR article entitled "Joining the '63 March, Despite Parents' Racial Biases." The article is part of a special series partnered with "The Race Card…
Professor Oren Gross was interviewed by FOX 9 on a possible U.S. attack on Syria. Gross said, "Between Hezbollah and al Qaeda getting control of those chemical weapons, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't."
Professor Oren Gross appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO News, answering the question, "Why is the U.S. Getting Involved in Syria Now?" Gross discussed the legal and moral issues pertaining to a…
Professor Jane Kirtley took part in an online chat discussing the legal and ethical issues that arise when reporters and citizen journalists live-blog and Tweet from courtrooms during trials and other legal…
Professor Myron Orfield appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO News, answering the question, "Why Such a Large Achievement Gap in Minnesota Classrooms?" "One of the reasons that this inequality is great is…
Professor Amy Kristin Sanders was a guest on WCCO's News & Views with Roshini Rajkumar. Sanders weighed the arguments of how far the "national security" should be taken when it comes to privacy.
Professor Barry Feld was quoted in a Star Tribune article entitled "Stops by Cops Increase in Downtown Minneapolis, North Side." With other Minneapolis areas seeing a decline in stops, many questions on…