Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Perry Moriearty testified before the Minnesota Senate Judiciary Committee in support of a bill that would abolish life imprisonment without parole for juveniles convicted of homicide. Moriearty worked with…
Professor Thomas Cotter was quoted in a Law360 article following Judge Lucy Koh's denial of a permanent injunction in favor of Apple in one of the hotly-contested Apple v. Samsung smartphone patent…
Professor Jane Kirtley participated in the 2014 Breaux Symposium, "50 Years after New York Times v. Sullivan," at Louisiana State University, commemorating the anniversary of the Supreme Court case that…
Professor Jill Hasday appeared in the "Good Question" segment on WCCO News, answering the question, "What Do Parents Legally Owe Their Kids?" "Basically, until your child is emancipated, you owe a duty to financially…
Professor John Matheson testified before the Minnesota House and Senate Judiciary Committees in support of a bill to amend the Minnesota Business Corporation Act. Various amendments are included in the bill,…
Professor Myron Orfield, Thomas Luce, and Will Stancil's recently released report on subsidized housing was featured in a Star Tribune editorial piece. The Editorial Board writes: "Officials charged with…
Professor Richard Painter testified before a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Government Oversight Committee on the Department of Justice (DOJ) ongoing investigation of allegations that the IRS…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on the BBC World Service show, "World Have Your Say." The topic was the decision of a high court judge in South Africa to allow electronic media coverage of the upcoming Oscar…
Professor Susan Wolf has been appointed to an expert panel on the role of population health in all professions, as part of an effort by the Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health (ASPPH) to re-…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in an Associated Press report about new Justice Department guidelines governing obtaining records from the news media in leak investigations. She expressed concern that "national…
Professor Jane Kirtley was a guest on WCCO Radio's John Williams Show. She discussed whether a Rogers High School student's "tweet" appearing to confirm an allegation that he had a sexual relationship with a…
Professor Susan Wolf appeared on Minnesota Public Radio's The Daily Circuit, along with Dr. Danielle Ofri of Bellevue Hospital, to discuss the current debate about…