Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Paul M. Vaaler co-hosted the Business by Carlson Quarterly Report on the "Business of Politics: How Innovations in Campaign Financing, Operations, and Strategy Are Changing Our Elections and Our…

Professor JaneAnne Murray was interviewd on Tom Weber's morning news program on MPR regarding the Law School's fourth grant of commutation in President Obama's clemency initiative for low-level, non-violent…

Professor Francis Shen was interviewed on Access Minnesota radio about his recent study, “Invisible Inequality: The Two Americas of Military Sacrifice,” which appears in the Memphis Law Review and is…

Affiliated Professor of Psychology and Law, Eugene Borgida, and Richard Zweigenhaft, Guilford College professor of psychology, co-edited a book titled "Collaboration in Psychological Science…

On September 26, 2016 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit published an opinion citing a 1998 paper coauthored by Professor Thomas Cotter and Roger Blair titled, "An Economic Analysis of Damages…

Professor JaneAnne Murray was guoted in an MPR News article relating to the grand jury investigation into the death of Philandro Castile as a result of a police shooting in the line of duty. She…

Professor Myron Orfield was interviewed by CNN Newswire about the relationship of growing racial segregation to urban conflict between non-white citizens and police. In discussing racial and…

Professor Jill Hasday was featured on a one-hour broadcast of Truth to Tell, a long-running public affairs show on KFAI radio. She discussed constitutional interpretation, constitutional structure, and…

Professor Paul M. Vaaler was interviewed and quoted by Minnesota Public Radio correspondent Matt Sepic about the September 22 indictment for embezzlement of more than $20 million by five executives who either…

Professor Richard Painter appeared on Bloomberg Law Radio’s Bloomberg Law to discuss the SEC’s insider trading allegations against prominent hedge fund manager Leon Cooperman who is accused of using his…

Professor Bernard M. Levinson will present a lecture titled "Revisiting the ‘and’ in Law and Covenant in the Hebrew Bible" at the University of Michigan on October 7, 2016 at the Professor…

In his third New York Times op-ed in 2016, Professor Richard W. Painter writes that to avoid the appearance of impropriety and favoritism toward donors, the Clinton family should promise to…