Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Greg Shaffer was the keynote speaker at the biannual conference organized by the WTO Chair at FLACSO, the Latin American social science graduate school initiated by UNESCO. The program was on…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in an article in Politico on whether comments made by the White House Press Secretary in an official briefing about a Mitt Romney campaign advertisement violated the Hatch Act…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a MinnPost.com story about Sen. Amy Klobuchar's bill to compel the U.S. Supreme Court to allow video cameras to cover oral arguments. Kirtley observed that "time is on the side…
Professor Jane Kirtley spoke on "Federal FOIA in the United States: The Key to Open Government" at an international seminar entitled "Access to Public Information" in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The seminar was co-…
Professor Tom Cotter was quoted in the Star Tribune in an article on the upcoming Supreme Court argument in Mayo v. Prometheus. The outcome of this patent case matters to patients, and Cotter…
Professor Daniel Schwarcz's article, "Reevaluating Standardized Insurance Policies" (forthcoming in the University of Chicago Law Review), was featured in a…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in the Argus Leader in an article on alleged Hatch Act violations by a former Senate aide who is now running in the Democratic primary for a Congressional seat.…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in Bloomberg magazine in an article on a 2008 meeting in which hedge fund managers sought and apparently got nonpublic information from Treasury Secretary Hank…
A paper recently published by Professors Amy Monahan and Daniel Schwarcz in the Virginia Law Review was featured on Minnesota Public Radio. In the paper, Monahan and Schwarcz argue that the Patient…
Professor Amy Monahan was quoted in a Los Angeles Times article entitled "FSAs Encourage Rather than Reduce Unnecessary Healthcare Spending." Monahan gave a statement on health flexible spending accounts…
Professor Jane Kirtley delivered a lecture on the speech and press clauses of the First Amendment as part of the "Rereading the Constitution" series for the University of Minnesota's College of Continuing…
Professor Jane Kirtley received a "Pioneer" Award from the National Scholastic Press Association at the JEA/NSPA National High School Journalism Convention at the Minneapolis Convention Center. The NSPA's highest…