Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Thomson Reuters article on Justice Stephen Breyer's decision to recuse from an important environmental case in which his brother, a federal district judge, had sat on the…
Professor Richard Painter's prior research on legal and ethical risk-taking by decision makers experiencing a "loss frame"—a choice between two bad alternatives—in business or government was cited by the
As reported in Roll Call, Bloomberg and other media outlets, Professor Richard Painter, Lawrence Lessig, Trevor Potter, and Theodore Roosevelt IV had a telephonic press conference in which they outlined the…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Wall Street Journal article on financial disclosure and conflict of interest issues that could arise from Governor Mitt Romney's private equity holdings if he…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted extensively in a Politico article on campaigning for the president's reelection by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in Wisconsin. Her campaigning did not…
Professor Richard Painter was interviewed on Federal News Radio, the radio network for federal government employees, about the Office of Special Counsel determination that U.S. Health and Human Services…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Bloomberg Businessweek article on the Office of Special Counsel finding that the U.S. Health and Human Services Department Secretary Kathleen Sebelius violated the Hatch…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a Bloomberg Businessweek article about a former Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) commissioner who made frequent telephone calls back to the SEC on behalf of her law…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a National Public Radio article entitled "Hatch Act Keeps Federal Workers Out Of Politics." The Hatch Act regulates partisan political activity by government employees.…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted extensively in an op-ed by former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean comparing the Penn State scandal to his own involvement in Watergate.
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in the print edition of The New York Times in an article on President Obama's filming of a campaign commercial in the White House Chief of Staff's office in the West Wing…
Professor Richard Painter was quoted in a FOX 9 News article entitled "Bain Capital Becoming Bane of Romney Campaign." The article quoted Painter saying, "I'd think they have to show (Romney) making investment…