Faculty in the News

Faculty News

Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on Hungarian National Radio to discuss comments by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who had unfavorably compared U.S.-based news media with Al Jazeera on Hungarian Radio. Kirtley…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Star Tribune story about libel suits against bloggers and others who utilize social media. Kirtley suggested that one reason such suits are comparatively rare is that…
In interviews with MPR and the Star Tribune, Professor Jane Kirtley discussed the ramifications of the jury verdict against "Johnny Northside" awarding $60,000 in damages for comments he made on his blog.…
Professor Jane Kirtley was interviewed by MPR's Laura Yuen for a story about John Hoff, better known as "Johnny Northside," a blogger who is defending a libel case brought in Hennepin County by a former community…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a Politico article about the Obama administration's aggressive legal offensive against federal employees who disclose information without authorization, and the journalists who…
Professor Jane Kirtley conducted two workshops for collegiate journalists at the Associated Collegiate Press National College Journalism Convention in Hollywood, CA. The topics were "When Do Online Comments Become a…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted in a St. Louis Post-Dispatch article entitled, "Hospital association official accuses reporters of lobbying." The story reported that a lobbyist for the Missouri…
Professor Jane Kirtley was quoted on Politico and in the…
Professor Jane Kirtley appeared on a Minnesota State Bar Association panel entitled "Hand-Held Devices & Privacy: We Know What You Read, Bought, Watched, Ate and Emailed Last Summer - Are You Scared?" in…
Prof. Jane Kirtley was a panelist for "A FOIA in the House?: Two Critical Supreme Court Cases for the Environmental and Energy Lawyer," a "Quick Teleconference" sponsored by the American Bar Association's Section…
Professor Jane Kirtley is the author of the new Media Law Handbook, commissioned and published by the U.S. State Department. The initial press run of 30,000 copies will be distributed by U.S. Embassies…
Professor Jane Kirtley contributed a chapter to the new book, Institutional Failures: Duke Lacrosse, Universities, the News Media and the Legal System, published by Ashgate. Her chapter is "Not Just…