Rural Immigrant Access Clinic – 7910

Spring 2021

Deepinder Mayell

Students in the Rural Immigrant Access Clinic will participate in pop-up legal clinics in rural communities that have limited access to immigration attorneys and have experienced dramatic increases in immigration apprehension and detention. These full-day legal clinics will be held in a range of spaces in Minnesota, including community centers, churches, schools and libraries. Students will also conduct comprehensive legal intakes with a rapidly growing detained immigrant population held in rural county jails in Minnesota. Students will complete comprehensive intakes with noncitizens and their families to identify potential avenues for immigration relief. Under the supervision of faculty, students will provide legal advice to clients about their options, make legal and social service referrals, and provide safety planning preparation for noncitizens at risk of deportation including the creation of custodial documents to be utilized in family courts. When confronted with complex immigration problems that require additional research, students will research legal problems and provide written legal advice to immigrant families.