Spring 2025
Students should only enroll in Law 7607 or Law 7609 if there is not an appropriate Topical Field Placement available or if the appropriate Topical Field Placement is filled to capacity. Students can contact Experiential Education at [email protected] for advising on next steps.
Topical Field Placements: Law 7621 Immigration Law Field Placement, Law 7622 Human Rights Law Field Placement, Law 7623 Public Interest Field Placement, Law 7624 Corporate Externship Field Placement, Law 7626 Law Firm Field Placement, Law 7628 Judicial Field Placement, and Law 7629/5629 Patent Field Placement.
All students must read theRules for Supervised Field Placements before registering.
Students may earn up to three credits in a semester for work in a legal practice setting under the supervision of a qualified field supervisor and a faculty advisor. At least 50 hours of law-related activities are required per credit. The student is responsible for identifying a field placement setting and supervisor, finding a faculty advisor, and submitting the Independent Field Placement Enrollment Form for approval by the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs prior to enrollment.
Students must complete an online application form in order to register for an Independent Field Placement course AFTER obtaining pre-approval from their faculty advisor. The registration form is at this link: Independent Field Placement Form. Clicking on the link more than once will open multiple forms under your name. Only do this if you plan to submit more than one form for approval.
To edit a form or check the status of a form you already submitted, go to wfgen.umn.edu and log-in with your UMN ID and password. On the home page, click on "My requests in progress" or " My actions to do" if an action is assigned to you. You can also find a request by entering the request number (this number is in the email notification you received when you submitted your form) in the search box (the third empty box in the upper left corner). Note that you cannot edit a form once it is submitted for approval.
Note: Law 7607 and Law 7609 both provide credit for independent field placements; the difference is that 7607 satisfies the Experiential Learning Requirement, while 7609 does not. The Registrar will assign students to 7607 or 7609 based on whether the student seeks and the advisor approves experiential learning credit.