Housing Law Clinic – 7246

This clinic is grounded in the development of practical skills necessary to effectively represent low income tenants facing eviction, housing repair problems, utility shutoff and lockouts, and eviction cases in their rental history in Hennepin County Housing Court.

The two hour classroom component includes interviewing, clinic computer network training, professional responsibility, substantive housing law topics concerning the types of actions handled in the clinic, and case simulations in which students participate in interviewing, drafting, motion practice, trial and negotiation simulations patterned after real housing cases.

Housing Law Clinic cases provide a unique opportunity to handle cases from beginning to end. Housing Court cases are very active cases, which move faster than many other types of civil litigation. Student attorneys may experience interviewing, investigation, drafting pleadings, discovery, motion and trial practice and appeals. Often students obtain final decisions or settlements in cases that they started. Some cases may involve the delicate act of advising a client that the client does not have a good case.

Additional Commitments:
• Weekly staff meeting and round table discussion with other students to discuss issues and cases.
• Ongoing meetings with supervising attorney in preparation for and representation in housing

What to expect when working on cases and with clients:
Each student may handle 2-5 cases during the semester. Students will meet with clients in person, on the phone and correspond with them. Clients of this clinic will be low income clients faced with various housing issues corresponding with the tight rental market and an aging housing stock, which precludes them from finding safe, decent and affordable rental housing.

NOTE: This course requires certification pursuant to the student practice rule and is open to JD students only.


JD only

Graduation Requirements
Experiential Learning
Subject Area
Civil Litigation *
Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution & Advocacy
Public Law
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
A - F
Course type