Intercollegiate Mock Trial Team – 7018

The University of Minnesota’s mock trial competition team is ideal for the student who is seriously considering a career as a trial attorney.  The program admits a small number of second and third year students (typically, approximately nine), who compete in teams of three.  The competitions are “intercollegiate,” that is, there is a regional competition, and from there top scoring teams advance to a national competition.

Once the competition problem is released in November, team members work closely on developing a theory of the case, addressing evidentiary issues and honing their presentation skills.  Students and mock trial instructors usually meet on Tuesdayand Thursday evenings and one weekend day.  Practices are very interactive – students work closely together and critique each other in a constructive, fun, but demanding environment.

Selection of team members is based upon a tryout process.  Interested students are provided with a case problem and must perform a short direct- and cross-examination of witnesses.  Tryouts are usually held in late October or early November, and the competition case problem is usually released mid-November.  The regional competition is held in February and nationals take place in March.  Students must be available between semesters in order to participate.

Students receive 2 credits for this course, which apply to the civil litigation concentration.

Graduation Requirements
Experiential Learning
Subject Area
Civil Litigation *
Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution & Advocacy
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
A - F
Course type