Law and Rationality Workshop – 6954

This workshop will feature cutting-edge research in law and economics, law and psychology, and other “law and” fields. The first week will be an introduction to the topics to be covered during the semester; the last class will summarize what we’ve covered.  The remainder of the semester will consist of presentations by leading scholars based on their recent scholarship.  Students will be given access to a paper a week before each class and required to write a short commentary and critique on each paper, including two discussion questions. This class meets the upper-class writing requirement.   The grading will be principally based on the writing assignments, but I reserve the right to take participation and attendance into account in your final grade. 

Graduation Requirements
Upper Division Legal Writing
Subject Area
Legal History
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
A - F
Course type