Mediation – 6840

Mediation is one of the primary forms of alternative dispute resolution. In this process, a trained, neutral third-party facilitates the resolution of a dispute between two or more parties. The mediator assists the parties in developing and implementing creative options for resolving a conflict in a non-adversarial arena. 

This course focuses on the theoretical and practical applications of mediation. Students will learn about conflict and communication, mediation theory, the stages of mediation, the roles of the attorney advocate and mediator, negotiation theories and strategies, mediator styles, cultural and gender issues in mediation, and ethical considerations. Students will engage in discussions about the theories behind conciliation processes, mediation, negotiation, and the rules of professional ethics relevant to these processes. The theories will then be tested in simulations to illustrate how they are implemented in practice and facilitate the development of mediation skills. This course is heavily experiential. Students will be asked to perform and participate in simulations, role-plays, and other experiential exercises.

Graduation Requirements
Experiential Learning
Subject Area
Alternative Dispute Resolution *
Civil Litigation *
Litigation, Alternative Dispute Resolution & Advocacy
Student Year
J.D. - 2L/3L (Upper Division)
Grade base
A - F
Course type