Data Compliance Practicum – 6133

Spring 2021

The enormous growth in the importance of data privacy law over the past ten years has created opportunities for attorneys with expertise in this fascinating and fast-moving field. The Data Privacy Practicum aims to prepare students who may wish to specialize in the area with real-world exposure to practice and credentials that demonstrate readiness for its challenges. Students will

  • study for and take an exam overseen by the International Association of Privacy Professionals that will entitle them to become Certified Information Privacy Professionals; many attorneys working in this area display the “CIPP” credential proudly on their business cards and bios, demonstrating its reputational value;
  • shadow a privacy professional in the Twin Cities working in organizations such as Target, 3M, US Bank, Cargill, Optum Health, and major law firms.
  • attend six proseminar sessions with guest speakers practicing in the field
  • research and write a short paper tackling an important nuts-and-bolts problem in current data privacy law