LL.M. Program Named Among Nation's Best for 'Law School Experience'

International Jurist recently named Minnesota Law’s LL.M. program to its 2021 honor roll for best overall law school experience for international students.

Established more than a quarter of a century ago, the Law School’s LL.M. program has hosted students from more than 80 countries. Minnesota Law offers a Business Law LL.M. and a general LL.M. with the option to earn one of 11 concentrations.

Honor Roll

Professsor Maria Ponomarenko spoke with CBS News Minnesota about the doctrine of qualified immunity, which shields officers from liability when they violate constitutional rights. Ponomarenko explained that although originally intended to provide officers with a bit of leeway when acting in fast-moving situations, it has over the years become a substantial obstacle to accountability:  "in practice it means that lots and lots of victims never recover ... [and] there aren't enough incentives for departments to reform.”

Professor Maria Ponomarenko spoke with Vice News about the need to curb the use of pretext stops by police officers, and to impose stricter standards on police use of force. “There may be circumstances when it actually is better to let somebody walk away,” Ponomarenko said, “than to use overwhelming force in order to take them into custody.”

Professor Maria Ponomarenko discussed policing reform in a panel discussion moderated by Minnesota Public Radio’s Angela Davis. “I don’t think there’s a silver bullet” when it comes to police reform, Ponomarenko said. “The one thing that’s been shown not to work is just passing piecemeal legislation. … If you only address one tiny slice of the problem, things are going to look virtually identical to how they did beforehand.”