Professor Richard Frase, faculty director of the Robina Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, was quoted in the Star Tribune regarding a Minnesota Court of Appeals ruling that a trial judge was wrong to deny prosecutors' request to reinstate a third-degree murder charge against ex-Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin. Referring to the repeated back and forth between the trial court and the Court of Appeals shortly before the start of the trial, Frase said, “My head is spinning.

Student Team Wins Regional Patent Application Drafting Competition, Advances to Nationals

A team of four Minnesota Law students emerged as Midwest Region champions in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) National Patent Application Drafting Competition.

The team defeated Notre Dame Law School in the final round to take the championship. As a result of the win, the Minnesota Law team advances to the National Finals, which will be held at USPTO headquarters in Alexandria, Va. on April 9.

Team members M.S.P.L. student Timothy Brennhofer, Carlton Hemphill, 2L, and Jack Graves, 2L  and M.S.P.L. Jordan Marsh

Minnesota Law Students Make Strong Showing at McGee Moot Court Competition

Minnesota Law students and teams fared well at the William E. McGee National Civil Rights Moot Court Competition, which, for the first time in its history, was held entirely online.

The 2021 competition was held March 5-6. Student competitors and volunteer judges met in a Zoom courtroom for the arguments. A volunteer “bailiff” was in the Zoom room ready to help with any tech-related questions. In another first, the championship round was livestreamed on YouTube.

Moot Court

Professor Jill Hasday testified before the Minnesota House Committee on Labor, Industry, Veterans and Military Affairs Finance and Policy in support of a bill that would ban employers from asking job applicants about their pay history.

The Houston Chronicle quoted from Professor Klass's article in Lawfare on how the failure to energy and community infrastructure led to the Texas electric grid disaster.