Michelle Rodenburg Spent Her 2L Summer Immersed in International Criminal Law Work in Cambodia

Michelle Rodenburg, 3L, spent the summer as an intern for the Office of the International Co-Prosecutor in the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). It was a rare opportunity to learn about international criminal law firsthand for the Human Rights Center fellow, who obtained the placement through her connection with the HRC.

Could you describe a little bit about your summer experience working in the courts in Cambodia?

Rising 2L Michelle Rodenburg

Prof. Kristin Hickman was interviewed and quoted by Tax Notes regarding the Sixth Circuit's "close call" decision to deny rehearing en banc in CIC Services, LLC v. IRS, 2019 WL 4051864 (Aug. 28, 2019).  The case concerns whether pre-enforcement judicial review of IRS Notice 2016-66 is barred by the Anti-Injunction Act, 26 U.S.C. s. 7421(a).  In the article, Appeals Court Won't Revisit Microcaptive Case in Close Call, Tax Notes quoted Prof.

Prof. Kristin Hickman's article with Gerald Kerska '17, Restoring the Lost Anti-Injunction Act, 103 Va. L. Rev. 1683 (2017), was cited by Judge Amul Thapar's dissent from the denail of rehearing en banc in CIC Services, LLC v. IRS, 2019 WL 4051864 (Aug. 28, 2019).  The case concerns whether pre-enforcement judicial review of IRS Notice 2016-66 is barred by the Anti-Injunction Act, 26 U.S.C. s.

Minnesota Law Welcomes Class of ’22

The 241 members of Minnesota Law’s Class of 2022 are academically strong, diverse in their backgrounds, and eclectic in their interests.

“We are thrilled to welcome this incredibly talented and driven group of students to Minnesota Law,” says Garry W. Jenkins, dean and William S. Pattee professor of law. “We know they will embrace their experience, enrich our community, and, ultimately, make a difference in the world.”

Dean Garry W. Jenkins

2L Ben Rogers Got a Taste of Navy Life as a JAG Summer Intern

2L Ben Rogers spent the summer as an intern for the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps. He was detailed to Defense Service Office West at Naval Base San Diego in California — the busiest defense office in the Navy. DSO West provides legal representation to military service members at courts martial, boards of inquiry, and administrative separation boards. 

Could you describe a little bit about your summer experience working as an intern in the Navy JAG Corps?

Rising 2L Ben Rogers

After 18 Years, Pioneering Patent Adjuncts Pass the Torch

Two adjunct professors were on the leading edge when they introduced courses in patent prosecution and patent portfolio management at Minnesota Law 18 years ago. While those courses are now much more commonplace, Minnesota Law’s innovative and robust intellectual property program enjoys a top-level national reputation for its excellence.

Attorneys Steve Shumaker and Kent Sieffert

Professor Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Tax Notes article, Entering the Next Frontier of Tax and Administrative Law, regarding the broader implications of a federal district court’s holding in Bullock v. IRS, No. CV-18-103-GF-BMM (D. Mt.

The 2019 Stein Lecture: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan

October 21, 2019, 4:00 to 5:15 pm

Elena Kagan, Associate Justice, was born in New York, New York, on April 28, 1960. She received an A.B. from Princeton in 1981, an M. Phil. from Oxford in 1983, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1986. She clerked for Judge Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1986-1987 and for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court during the 1987 Term. After briefly practicing law at a Washington, D.C. law firm, she became a law professor, first at the University of Chicago Law School and later at Harvard Law School.

1 Standard CLE credit has been requested; Event Code #279307
Justice Kagan

Professor Kristin Hickman was quoted in a Bloomberg article, IRS Could Face More Court Battles After Nonprofit Donor Ruling, regarding a federal district court's holding in Bullock v. IRS, No. CV-18-103-GF-BMM (D. Mt.