Jacob Sayward

Jacob Sayward

  • Associate Director for Collection Development
120A Mondale Hall


  • Cornell University, B.A.
  • Penn State University, J.D.
  • Pratt Institute, M.S.L.I.S.

Jacob Sayward is the Law Library's Associate Director for Collection Development and serves as a member of the Library's management team responsible for the overall administration of the Law Library.

Professor Sayward received his B.A. from Cornell, his J.D. from Penn State-Dickinson School of Law, and his M.S.L.I.S. from Pratt Institute. Before coming to Minnesota, Jacob was most recently Director for Collections, Faculty & Scholarly Services and Adjunct Professor of Law at Cornell Law Library. Before his time at Cornell, Jacob was at Fordham Law Library and the Law Library for the Office of the Attorney General of New York. He has taught introductory and advanced legal research courses (including both Law Practice Technology, Foreign, Comparative & International Law, and the Legal Research Clinic) to J.D. and L.L.M. students. He is admitted to practice in New York, and he is a member of the American Association of Law Libraries ("AALL") and Minnesota Association of Law Libraries ("MALL"). 

Journal Articles

Math and Aftermath: Impacts of Unbundling a Large Journal Package on Researcher Perceptions and Behavior, 69 Library Resources & Technical Services (2025)
Kizer S. Walker
Adam Chandler
Caitlin Finlay
Gabriela Castro-Gessner
Tobi Hines
Jesse Koennecke
Susan Kendrick
Leah McEwen
Henrik W.W. Spoon
Making Law Practice Technology More Simulation-Based, 20 University of Saint Thomas Law Journal 246 (2024)

Book Chapters

Collection Development, in Introduction to Law Librarianship (Zanada Joyner & Cas Laskowski, eds., 2021)

Book Reviews

Book Review, 104 Law Library Journal 450 (2012) (reviewing Ruben J. Garcia, Marginal Workers: How Legal Fault Lines Divide Workers and Leave Them Without Protection (New York University Press, 2012))
Book Review, AALL Spectrum Blog (June 7, 2010) (reviewing Quick Reference to European VAT Compliance (Christ Platteeuw & Pedro Pestana da Silva, eds., Kluwer Law International, 2010))
Book Review, 38 International Journal of Legal Information 254 (2010) (reviewing Alexander H. Türk, Judicial Review in EU Law (Edward Elgar, 2009))
Book Review, AALL Spectrum Blog (Nov. 13, 2009) (reviewing Criminal Law Conversations (Paul H. Robinson, Stephen P. Garvey & Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, eds., Oxford University Press, 2009))
Book Review, AALL Spectrum Blog (June 2, 2009) (reviewing The Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions (Kermit L. Hall & James W. Ely Jr., eds., Oxford University Press, 2d ed., 2009)
Book Review, AALL Spectrum Blog (Jan. 30, 2009) (reviewing Investment Claims [database] (Ian Laird, ed., Oxford University Press, 2009))
Book Review, 36 International Journal of Legal Information 528 (2008) (reviewing Charles Parkinson, Bills of Rights and Decolonization: The Emergence of Domestic Human Rights Instruments in Britain’s Overseas Territories (Oxford University Press, 2007))

Other Publications

GOALI Goes to Johannesburg â€“ Training and Outreach in South Africa for Research4Life’s Global Online Access to Legal Information Program, IFLA Library (July 15, 2019)
Ariel A.E. Scotese
Nina E. Scholtz
The Big Three and E-Books, AALL Spectrum: Members’ Briefing 1 (Apr. 2014)
iCite: Legal Research? There’s an App for That, AALL Spectrum 12 (June 2010)
Associate Director for Collection Development
Law Library