Claudia Melo

  • Assistant Dean of Career Services
N150C Mondale Hall


  • Brown University, B.A.
  • Northeastern University, J.D.

Make an appointment with Claudia by going to the online scheduler.

Career Center Assistant Dean Claudia Melo is passionate about the Career Center team and leading the Career Center’s engagement with students in a meaningful, mission-driven, and purposeful way.  She oversees the Law School's compliance with all employment reporting requirements including the ABA, NALP, and U.S. News & World Report. 

Before joining the University of Minnesota Law School in 2010, she served as a Senior Career Counselor and LLM Advisor at the Cardozo School of Law in New York City, and as a Career Coach at the Carlson School of Management.  Melo has significant experience working with a diverse range of individuals, from executives to young professionals, and supporting students navigate transition, develop their professional identities, and achieve their goals. 

Melo draws from her law school experiential experience at the Massachusetts Supreme Court, The Gillette Company, Mintz, and the Children’s Law Center.  As an attorney, Melo practiced employment law and litigation in the Boston office of Mintz, and as a staff attorney at the Youth Advocacy Center of Covenant House in Newark, New Jersey.  Melo is retired from the practice of law in Massachusetts, New York, and New Jersey.

Melo holds a law degree from the Northeastern University School of Law, and a bachelor’s degree in American Studies from Brown University.